E.C.H.O. Global Missions Conference
Local and global missions is in our DNA as a church. Our E.C.H.O. Global Missions Conference is much more than an annual event for us. It is a yearly celebration of daily passion that drives us. It impacts the way we budget resources, plan our calendar and approach the Scriptures. We believe that God is a “sending God”, a "missional God” and therefore His Church is to be a place that both celebrates and sends missionaries. Each year we gather together for four epic days, with over 20 missionaries from around the globe, for the purpose of; Enriching Lives - Challenging Believers - Honoring Missionaries and Opening Doors of Opportunity. The E.C.H.O. Conference is the culmination of our efforts and the spark to ignite the flame for the year to come.

OnMission Opportunities
Join a team and go OnMission with a supported missionary partner. Experience a short term mission trip and return forever changed. Find out more about upcoming opportunities to share in the work of ministry as we reach the world for Christ!